

An outline of your children’s new dentist in Wickham


We all recognise the importance of maintaining a high standard within our oral health and hygiene routines. For this reason, you must brush and floss your teeth regularly so that you have the best possible experience of living with your teeth and avoid the need for invasive dental treatments such as fillings, root canals, or tooth extractions.

If you are parents, you may spend time trying to encourage any young children you provide care for to keep their teeth clean by brushing them twice a day, once in the morning and then once at night just before they go to bed to sleep. The best way to encourage this behaviour is to lead by example and let your children see their parents following a regular oral hygiene routine.

You may also decide to register your children with a dentist in Wickham so that they have the opportunity to access professional care and advice that will be offered to them in a friendly and compassionate way.

Our goal is to provide each and every client with an incredible experience that blows away their expectations.

Parents must be seen to engage

We all know that children can be very reluctant to engage with anything that they see as unusual or that they perceive may cause them pain. For this reason, it can prove difficult to get your children to engage with a dentist in Wickham. We often find that when children attend a dental appointment around the same time as their parents, this can make them feel more at ease and will increase the level of co-operation a child may have towards a dental professional.

Our advice to you as parents is that wherever possible let your children see you interacting with dental professionals in the practice, let them see you attending your check-ups and talking to people who are trying to help you with your oral health and hygiene in a friendly and calm manner. However, we are less inclined to advise you to let your children see you receiving invasive dental treatments, as this may be a little more upsetting for them.

Once your children can see that dental staff are helpful and friendly people, they will be a lot more likely to engage with them. It is well known that if children are taught to engage with a dental practice at an early age, they will mostly carry this habit throughout their lives and pass it on to their children, promoting high standards of oral health and hygiene going forward.

Dentistry for you and your family

As a leading dentist in Wickham, we want to encourage you and your entire family to engage with our practice. This will then give your entire family access to all the dental care and treatments they may need throughout your lives. We want you and your family to form a working relationship with us that will benefit you and give you the best possible chance to enjoy a high standard of oral hygiene.

One of the best pieces of advice we can offer you is to start a dialogue by asking questions, as this will help you gain a greater understanding of any treatment you are being offered and will help you to make informed choices that will help give you the standard of oral hygiene you desire.